Algaecides are preventative chemicals which assist Chlorine and Bromine in controlling the growth and reproduction of a variety of types of algae.  
90 Day Algae Treat
*** NEW PRODUCT! ***
This long-lasting, fast acting, easy to use treatment prevents all types of algae.
Part: Multiple - See Description
Algaecure can be used as a super chlorinator and effective algaecide for black algae in white plaster pools, leaving safe, sanitary, sparkling water.
Copper Strike
Part: Multiple - See Description
Eliminate yellow, green, and black algae with this efficient, long-lasting, copper based, algaecide.
Poly Power 30
Part: CVLPP30QT12
Treats hard to kill mustard, green, and black algae. Not affected by high chlorine residuals.
Poly Power 60
Part: Multiple - See Description
A broad spectrum algaecide that kills and prevents hard to kill mustard, black, and green algae.
Quat Power
Controls the growth of algae slime. Non-metallic. Improves water quality
Silver Strike
Targeted algaecide that eliminates resilient black and mustard algae as well as pink pigmented slime.
Stopz-It Nutsedge Weed Killer
Part: Multiple Part - See Description
Stopz-It Nutsedge Weed Killer is a proven controller for Nutsedge and other weeds.